How to take care of your vagina and make it smell good (continued)..

This a continuation of how you can take care of your Vagina and avoid bad odour which was posted on our previous blog. See more below..

»»Try shaving or trimming. Having pubic hair does not necessarily cause odor in that area, but it can create an environment that harbors bacteria if not cleaned properly. If you want to reduce the likelihood of this being a problem, you can shave your pubic hair or keep it cut short.

»»Try using wet wipes. Sometimes you can’t quite get yourself clean enough with dry wipes. Some small amount of residue, either from feces or the tissue itself, can remain and harbor bacteria. Occasionally use a wet wipe or baby wipe to clean your vulva if you feel basic hygiene methods aren’t working well enough.
Use wet wipes which are fragrance free. Baby wipes tend to use less chemicals and often have fragrance free options.

»»Wash regularly. You need to shower and wash yourself regularly to smell good. How often that is will depend on your body because everyone is different. Washing yourself will help combat a buildup of bacteria on the skin, which causes odour just like it does anywhere else on the body.

»»Use the correct soaps. Your vagina is very sensitive. Using the wrong types of soap can cause irritation and bad odor. Avoid soaps which are heavily perfumed, contain too many unnatural ingredients, or have antibacterial properties. These upset the natural balance of your body. Instead, use natural soaps which are labeled as being fragrance-free.

»»Don’t douche. The only time you should douche (wash out your vagina) is if your doctor tells you to. Douching creates a terrible imbalance of your body’s natural bacteria and will almost guarantee that you end up with some kind of infection. The only cleaning that you will need to do will be with basic soap and water on the outside of your body.
Many health care providers have the opinion that douching may actually contribute to infections by disrupting the natural balance of bacterial environment that are normally within the vagina. There is no need to wash within the vagina and the vagina does not need to be cleansed inside on a regular basis. If there is a bad smell or itchiness within the vagina, it may be caused by an infection and it is important to get a genital examination and evaluation by a health care professional. Too often women self diagnose and self medicate with the wrong treatment. Check with your health care provider concerning a bad smelling discharge or an odd colored discharge.

»»Wipe carefully and correctly . Incorrect wiping after using the toilet can lead to infections. Wipe in the correct direction (front to back) and be sure that you are thorough. It is easy to miss the vaginal area and this can leave residue which leads to infections or overgrowth of bacteria.

»»Use products carefully. Be careful about the products that you use around your vagina. Using lubricants that are not water or silicone based can cause infections, and you should always clean lube off once you’re done using it. Anything with heavy fragrance can cause infections easily, so avoid feminine products which aim to make your vagina smell like flowers. This includes lotions.

»»Wear clean, fresh, correctly fitting underwear. This is a very important part of keeping your vagina clean and healthy. Wearing the same set of underwear for more than 24 hours may quickly create an imbalance of bacteria. You will also want to wear the right type of underwear. Your underwear needs to breath, since an overly moist environment will cause bacterial buildup. Cotton is best.

Even if you don’t like the way you or women in general smell, guys usually enjoy the smell. Their brains associate that smell with getting to see you naked and having sex. So it really isn’t in your interest to smell like flowers.
Remember that people sometimes lie in order to get what they want. If a guy says he doesn't like the way that you smell (or that you smell really bad), he may just be trying to get out of performing oral sex. If you practice proper hygiene and are free of infection, you shouldn’t have much of a smell at all and either he is lying or very, very sensitive. Consider both possibilities before resorting to any method which may cause more problems than it solves.
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