First Aid management of closed fracture (continued).

In closed fracture, your aim is to prevent movement at the injury site and to arrange removal to the hospital, with comfortable support during transport.

1.       Advise the casualty to keep still.  Support the injured part with your hand, or ask a helper to do this until it is immobilized.

2.       For firmer support, bandage the injured part to an unaffected part of the body. Make sure the bandage is tied on the uninjured side. For upper limb fractures, immobilize the arm against the trunk.

      For lower limb fractures, bandage the uninjured leg to the injured one if removal to the hospital is likely to be delayed. 

3.       Arrange to transport the casualty to the hospital as soon as possible, treat for shock if necessary by raising the legs. However do not raise the injured limb if this causes the casualty more pain.

4.        Check the circulation beyond the bandage every 10 minutes. If the circulation is impaired, loosen the bandages. 

·         Do not move the casualty until the injured part is secured and supported, unless she is in danger.
·         Do not allow the casualty to eat, drink or smoke as a general anesthetic may be needed.

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